
The billionaire make money through internet

List of billionaires thanks to the Internet 26
(24) - Internet has created the youngest billionaire in the world, they have become billionaires in the very short time.

The richest people are Sergey Brin and Larry Page, Google's founders in the late 1990s. They only take about five years to become billionaires.

The youngest is 25 years old Mark Zuckerberg, founder of social networking site Facebook, who has returned to the billionaires list in 2010 after being dropped in 2009 due to economic recession.

We are pleased to introduce to you a list of 26 richest business people based Internet's latest ranking by Forbes magazine.

The site size is the list: Google, Amazon, SoftBank, Ebay, FaceBook, Tenceni.Schwab, baidu, Broadcast, neteasy, giant, yahoo, Gree, Alibaba, Paypal, AOL

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