
How i went from zero to $200 in 2 week on fiverr

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What is Fiverr? To those of you who are not familiar with this website, Fiverr is a site that you can post an ads to promote your service and do whatever you can do for everybody for $5. Each time you receive an order from one people, you will be received $4 ( $1 commission to Fiverr) if you complete the order. Ok, here you will wonder is it worth my time to do a job just for $4? The answer depends on you. If you are newbie looking for money online job, this site is a great place to start with. Remember, your Fiverr is just the doorway where the customer comes through and becomes your lifelong client. I show you exactly how to make a whole lot more than $4 bucks from Fiverr a little later in this ebook.

First you need to sign up an account. It’s totally free. Here is how the website looks like:
You will then direct to this page:
All you need is type in your information and then click Join. Now you are ready to make money with Fiverr. At this step I assume you have already known how to post an ad (Fiverr calls it Gig). It is very easy, you can learn it yourself. What I want to focus on is how you can really make money from Fiverr. Let’s go to the main topic.
The answer is Facebook like service. There are tons of people out there who have just built a small business for themselves. They could be singers, bands, fitness service, muscle building service, health service, SEO, etc who just launch and create a fanpage on facebook to promote for their business. This is why a service provide facebook likes to their fanpage will help you earn alots of money.
So, exactly what method you use to deliver like to their fanpage? Do I have to create hundreds of facebook account to click like?
_ No, no, no. All of the work is autopilot. I will show step by step you how you can do that. This is exactly how my gig looks like:
You can see my Gig description here. It is not something very special. The point here is when you do this service, you should include “Real people like”, “No admin access”. These sentences will help you generate more sales because people feel more secure not giving you access to their page. You can copy my description for your own use or change it to make it more innovative/ trustful to buyer.
Next, go to this page: www.youlikehits.com
This is the wonderful likes exchange community to get likes for your client' page.
Register an account here. The main page after signing in look like this:
After all these setting, you have gone ½ way to the end. Next thing is click like for other people pages to earn point. With the point you earn, your client’s page you have added in the previous step will be shown and clicked by other people in exchange
Tired of clicking too much? There’s also a solution for this. At first, I used to click too much sothat my hand got hurt after 3 days. So I decide to find better way to “process” my work without doing too much.
Here is the software which will help you generate points for you youlikehits account:
Another great software to generate points from youlikehits can be found here: http://youlikehitsbot.com?ap_id=xilatleo
I recommend you use youlikehits script from this site. This script work very well and generate fastest points for you.
So now, I have talked alots about my method of working on Fiverr, it’s time to show you some proof.
This is my income after 2 weeks:
Look at the total orders I got after 2 weeks. Haha, I have to cancel 3 orders because I was visiting my grand and staying away from my computer at that time.
That’s it. You got all of my method to make more than $200 after two weeks. What are you waiting for? Take action and begin to earn money now right on Fiverr.
As you sign up for Fiverr. It is better if your nick name on Fiverr relates to the service you are going to promote. For example: If you are going to provide likes to people fanpage, you can sign up with the nicknames likes: Faceboopage, faceboofanpage, Getfacebooklikes, facebook_fan, etc.
Hope you enjoy the ebook and make your money right after reading this method.
-------------------- Sorry for my English. I’m not English native speaker so sometimes my sentence structures were not really good. If you have any troubles with understanding the method feel free to PM me at HF. I will be glad to help you out.

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