
Guide to clips, flash with Windows Movie Maker

Có những lúc bạn muốn lưu lại khoảng khắc của bạn khi đang chơi Games nhưng lại không hài lòng khi đó chỉ là những tấm hình đơn lẻ, khô khan hay bạn nghĩ ra một cốt truyện những không biết cách chuyển thể thành video như thế nào…v.v…Làm video thật ra không quá khó khăn, Sau đây là một số kinh nghiệm làm video của game thủ N?K - người đã đóng góp cho Thiên Long Bát Bộ nói chung và Game Online nói riêng những Video Clip đầy ý nghĩa.

Phần 1: Làm videoclip từ hình ảnh đơn giản nhất bằng Windows Movie Maker

Slide Show hay còn được gọi là hiển thị ảnh động có lẽ là bước đầu tiên tập làm videoclip, vì chúng thật sự quá dễ dàng (chưa tới 5 phút là bạn có thể dựng nên một đoạn video ngắn)
Bước 1: bạn nên chuẩn bị sẵn một số hình ảnh mà bạn muốn trong video sẽ trình chiếu chúng.
Bước 2: mở chương trìnhWindows Movie Maker theo thứ tự sau: Start, chọn Programs, chọn Windows Movie Maker (hoặcStart , chọnAll Programs, chọn Windows Movie Maker tùy theo Windows của bạn)
Bước 3:bỏ tất cả hình ảnh vô Windows Movie Maker để chuẩn bị ráp thành video bằng cách chọn File, chọn Import into Collections.
Bước 4: xếp các hình ảnh lại thành 1 đoạn trước khi xuất thành video bằng cách bấm phải chuột vô từng tấm hình ở trong phần Collecttion: Collections, sau đó chọn Add to Storyboard (thứ tự hình ảnh trong video được trình chiếu sẽ phụ thuộc vào thứ tự bạn chọn hình ảnh lúc này)
Bước 5: xuất tất cả thành video bằng cách chọn File, chọn Save Movie File,Chọn My Computer, chọn Next,Phần Enter a file name for your saved movie là nơi bạn có thể đặt tên file video của bạn. Phần Choose a place to save your movie là nơi bạn yêu cầu chương trình xuất video lưu Video file ở đâu (bạn có thể chọn lại bằng cách nhấn "Browse…”), chọn Next. Sau đó đợi một chút để chương trình xuất thành video. Cuối cùng chọn Finish để kết thúc và thưởng thức lại thành quả bạn đã làm được.

Trên đây là cách tạo ra một videoclip đơn giản và nhanh nhất. Một số Video Clip được làm ra từ cách trên:

Phần 2: làm kỹ xảo/hiệu ứng cho video đơn giản nhất bằng Windows Movie Maker sẽ được giới thiệu trong bài sau. Chúc bạn làm thành công và vừa ý với những videoclip của chính bạn.
Phần 2:Làm kỹ xảo/hiệu ứng cho Videoclips đơn giản nhất bằng Windows Movie Maker (phần 2)

Qua phần 1: hướng dẫn cơ bản làm VideoClip chắc bạn đã nắm sơ quy tắc làm nên một videoclip rồi phải không? Ở phần 2, này game thủ N?K sẽ hướng dẫn các cách để làm videoclip của bạn đặc sắc hơn với những hiệu ứng/kỷ xảo đơn giản có sẵn trong Windows Movie Maker.

Trước tiên bạn nên biết sơ qua một chút cơ cấu của Windows Movie Maker

1: thanh công cụ chính của Windows Movie Maker, nó chứa tất cả các chức năng của chương trình

2: chứa dữ liệu tạm thời những thứ bạn đang làm

3: màn hình xem thử cho bạn thấy được kết quả bạn đã làm được gì

4: chuyển qua chế độ chỉnh sửa video cấp cao

5: nơi làm dự án/ ý tưởng của bạn

6: đưa các dữ liệu đã chuẩn bị sẵn vô nơi chứa tạm thời

7: chứa các tiện ích có sẵn để chỉnh sửa video

8: đưa tất cả dự án/ý tưởng ra thành tập tin/video

9: hỗ trợ các thắc mắc, hướng dẫn nhỏ cho bạn

10: chỉnh sửa video cấp cao

Mẹo: trước tiên bạn nên tham khảo ở thanh công cụ chính các phím tắt để sau này có thể xử lý mọi thứ nhanh hơn. Ngoài ra Windows Movie Maker có hỗ trợ các chúc năng “kéo và thả dữ liệu” (drag and drop), bạn cũng nên dành chút ít thời gian tìm hiểu về cái này để làm việc dễ dàng và nhanh chóng hơn.

1/ Đưa các dữ liệu đã chuẩn bị sẵn vô nơi chứa tạm thời:

Windows Movie Maker hỗ trợ chính cho một số định dạng tập tin sau:

* Video: .asf, .avi, .wmv
* Movie: MPEG1, .mpeg, .mpg, .m1v, .mp2
* Audio: .wav, .snd, .au, .aif, .aifc, .aiff
* Windows Media: .asf, .wm, .wma, .wmv
* Images: .bmp, .jpg, .jpeg, .jpe, .jfif, .gif
* MP3 audio: .mp3

Nếu vì lý do nào đó bạn không thể đưa dữ liệu vào nơi chứa tạm thời được là do Windows Movie Maker chưa hỗ trợ cho dữ liệu ấy. Nếu gặp tình huống ấy bạn nên sử dụng các phần mềm để chuyển dữ liệu đó sang một định dạng khác phù hợp với Windows Movie Maker (tuyết đối không nên đổi tên đuôi tập tin)
Mẹo: có 3 định dạng rất phổ biến và đảm bảo Windows Movie Maker luôn luôn hỗ trợ là Video.WMV, Audio.WMA, Images.JPG. Bên cạnh đó bạn có thể đưa nhiều dữ liệu vào nơi chứa tạm thời cùng một lúc bằng cách giữ phím Shift hoặc nhấn Ctrl+A khi chọn dữ liệu để đưa vào.

2/ Sắp xếp thứ tự các dữ liệu để trình chiếu:
Sau khi các dữ liệu đã được đưa vào nơi chứa tạm thời, việc tiếp theo là bạn nên sắp xếp chúng theo thứ tự cái gì nên chiếu trước, cái gì nên chiếu sau. Bạn có thể kéo và thả dữ liệu ở nơi chứa tạm thời xuống nơi làm ý tưởng/dự án.

3/ Thêm chữ vào Videoclip
Trong phần Edit Movie, chọn Make titles or credits. Sau đósẽ xuất hiện một bảng lựa chọn, tùy theo nhu cầu đưa chữ vào Video của bạn mà lựa chọn cho phù hợp.

- Title at the beginning: đưa chữ vô lúc bắt đầu của toàn bộ video

- Title before the selected clip: đưa chữ vào trước khi đoạn video đã chọn xuất hiện

- Title on the selected clip: đưa chữ vào trong một đoạn video đã chọn

- Title after the selected clip: đưa chữ vào sau khi đoạn video đã chọn kết thúc
- Credits at the end: đưa chữ vào lúc kết thúc của toàn bộ video

Sau khi chọn loại thích hợp, chương trình sẽ xuất hiện một bảng khác để bạn có thể đánh chữ vô. Nếu bạn muốn sửa dịnh dạng, kích cỡ hoặc màu sắc cho chữ thì chọn Change the text font and color, nếu muốn cách chữ hiện ra như thế nào thì chọn Change the title animation. Sau đó chọn đoạn video nào bạn muốn đưa chữ vào (nếu có) bằng cách nhìn xuống dưới nơi làm dự án/ý tưởng video và bấm trái chuột vô đoạn video cần chọn. Muốn kết thúc việc đưa chữ vào clip thì chọn Done, add title to movie.

Mẹo: Bạn có thể vừa làm vừa kiểm tra thành quả bằng cách nhấn nút Play của màn hình xem thử (phía bên phải) . Khi bạn kết thúc việc đưa chữ vô video, chương trình sẽ tự động chuyển sang chế độ Show Timeline (chỉnh sửa video cấp cao), bạn có thể trả về chế độ chỉnh sửa video bình thường bằng cách nhấn vô nút Show Storyboard

4/ Thêm hiệu ứng chuyển cảnh giữa hai đoạn video:

Trong phần Edit movie, chọn View video transitions.

Sau đó các hiệu ứng chuyển cảnh sẽ hiện ra giữa màn hình cho bạn lựa chọn. khi đã ưng ý hiệu ứng nào rồi, trước tiên bạn nên chọn nơi nào giữa hai đoạn video muốn có thêm hiệu ứng chuyển cảnh bằng cách nhìn xuống dưới nơi làm dự án/ý tưởng video và bấm trái chuột vô đoạn video cần hiệu ứng, sau đó bấm phải chuột vô hiệu ứng đã ưng ý chọn Add to Storyboard (hoặc Add to Timeline).

Mẹo: Bạn có thể vừa làm vừa kiểm tra thành quả bằng cách nhấn nút Play của màn hình xem thử (phía bên phải)

5/ Thêm hiệu ứng nền cho video:

Trong phần Edit Movie, chọn View video effects

Sau đó các hiệu ứng nền sẽ hiện ra giữa màn hình cho bạn lựa chọn. khi đã ưng ý hiệu ứng nào rồi, trước tiên bạn nên chọn đoạn video muốn có thêm hiệu ứng nền bằng cách nhìn xuống dưới nơi làm dự án/ý tưởng video và bấm trái chuột vô đoạn video cần hiệu ứng, sau đó bấm phải chuột vô hiệu ứng đã ưng ý chọn Add to Storyboard (hoặc Add to Timeline)

Mẹo: Bạn có thể vừa làm vừa kiểm tra thành quả bằng cách nhấn nút Play của màn hình xem thử (phía bên phải). Bạn cũng có thể dung nhiều hiệu ứng nền trên 1 đoạn video

6/ Quản lý thời gian trình chiếu của từng đoạn video:(phần này khá rắc rối, bạn nên chú ý kỹ)

Đầu tiên bạn nên chuyển sang chế độ chỉnh sửa video cấp cao bằng cách bấm vô nút Show Timeline.

Ở phần chỉnh sửa video cấp cao này có ba phần quản lý: hình ảnh, âm thanh và chữ. Mục đích của nó là quản lý thời gian hiện thị mọi thứ hiển thị trên màn hình (ví dụ cảnh video xuất hiện trong bao lâu, chữ viết xuất hiện trong bao lâu…v.v…). Đoạn video càng dài thì càng được trình diễn lâu trên màn hình và ngược lại.
Để chỉnh sửa chúng, đầu tiên bạn bấm trái chuột vào đoạn video cần sửa (hoặc nhạc/chữ), sau đó bạn rê chuột vào các cạnh đứng của đoạn video (đầu hoặc cuối của đoạn cần sửa) sao cho có biểu tượng này hiện lên.

Tiếp theo bạn hay bấm và giữ yên trái chuột, sau đó kéo dài ra hoặc ngắn vào tùy theo ý thích của bạn.

Nếu bạn không muốn thay đổi thời gian trình diễn mà chỉ muốn thay đổi thời điểm trình diễn (ví dụ: chỉ muốn đoạn chữ đó xuất hiện lúc giữa video). Đầu tiên bạn bấm và giữ yên trái chuột vào đoạn video nào bạn muốn chỉnh sửa. Tiếp theo kéo qua bên trái hoặc kéo qua bên phải đến đúng thời điểm nào bạn muốn thì thả trái chuột ra.
Đến đây tác giả xin kết thúc phần 2 bài hướng dẫn. Phần 3: các công cụ hữu ích nên có để làm nên Videoclips sẽ tiếp tục không lâu sau này. Chúc bạn có thể làm nên những Videoclip hoành tráng !

Ico extension imaging (Image *. ico)

With the Portable without installation, you can create a file with extension *. ico images easy. Just select an image that any such extension: jpg, gif, bmp, .... (but the animation is not weird). Drag and drop the image file in the "Drop a PNG file here", the program will convert them to ico in the left pane. Ico which you drag and drop the folder into which to lean. That's it! Too simple is not it!

Fitness wing (part 2)

This section on how to start
Now that you have set through the first week. It was a good sign. Also a lot of information in the weeks ahead, we will consider the substance of the problem and planning a Max-OT training you will be from now on.

This week we will mention the importance of the launch of the Max-OT way and also to discuss some of the errors or problems: that exercise causes exhaustion.

Now we are not talking about the launch, but you will not do to his injuries. Through several programs refer to files I've seen a lot of errors. And one of the faults of these programs are not properly guided in the boot. I'll show you how to start and help you better add at least 10 kg from the day the first episode.


You should note the following: MAX-OT is a program for muscle growth. MAX-OT is designed so that each collection, each agreement, each exercise program is done with a reason: the growth and muscle development. This is very important. If not, you should ask yourself seriously why you chose to practice weightlifting?

Why most athletes do not know the right approach from the beginning?

Efficiency is the most important factors of a fitness program Max-OT. Why not use my precious energy to achieve maximum results? Is a proper boot sector should be concerned because it affects directly to the development of muscle

Started with Max-OT

Run the wrong way - Have your fault?

I can say that 99% of people the wrong way the boot files. And so will reduce the collective ability to achieve maximum efficiency for the development of muscle. As I have discussed: incorrect movements continued to be passed from gym to gym, from magazines to read ... It's like a kind of grass seed that was not removed.

And bad luck in the development of muscle definition is no "right" or "wrong" on this issue. What I want to say here is that you can set the wrong muscles are still developing. Max-OT program is developed in the shortest time. Max-OT is based on an understanding of physiology, on the stimulation of development and put it all into a systematic plan. This plan will maximize growth opportunities and remove obstacles or encounter from other exercise programs.

This is how you should not start

Let us use exercise is pushing weights (Bench Press) as an example for this section. To illustrate 100kg is the maximum speed for 3 times. This is how people used to practice:

1. 40 kgs weight placed on the bar and set about 10 - 15 times.

2. Next few minutes, and set off with heavy weights 60 kgs. This was set to 10 times.

3. Then set with heavy weights 70kgs 10 times.

4. After several minutes of rest with 80 kgs of about 7-8 times depending on their health.

5. So once you have made 4 files. Now they add to the heavy weights 10 kgs to 90kgs and set about 7 times.

6. In every episode No. 5, you have not even started to develop muscle. Now they increase the weight of 100kgs weights and just try to perform 3 times.

There are weaknesses in this reasonable? How to boot. No need to argue about it. In other words, this movement started inadequate stimulation of the muscles and thus cause muscle fatigue earlier than planned.

Just boot boot

It should be understood simply boot to boot. This means that the boot order to provide sufficient blood flow to muscles, tissues and begin to make an impact on the increase.

Boot process is not as muscle fatigue. I reiterate: the boot process is not as muscle fatigue. If you get tired of being in any way even in my boot, which means you're compromised with the reduction of muscle development.

"Action of Max-OT boot properly taken for the blood to the muscles, gradually make the adaptations to muscle and soft tissue to muscle movements can be done with heavy weights without being tired."

Muscle fatigue is a cipher. Body is not ready for the exercises very vulnerable to serious injury. This is key, start the engine can be made for lifting the maximum weight that was not injured, and no muscle in the collection process.

I'll show you how to perform this action in practice, this will bring about even with the weight you set. Muscle development through weight. What engine is powerful as the likelihood that the higher development.

We will use such exercises is to push the weights (Bench Press), as mentioned above, but we will use the launch of the Max-OT. This action allows us to heavier weight and muscle development.

You need to understand that these exercises for the development of muscle-weight exercises are exercises used a maximum weight of 4 to 6 times. By this understanding, you can see why we need to start wisely so you can develop muscles at their peak through the exercises.

Boot properly

Example we are pushing weights with exercises (Bench Press) and I will show you techniques to boot properly but it allows you to lift heavier weights. Remember, the more weight the greater impact the more-developed muscles.

Back with weights 100kgs. If you start as I pointed out, you'll see a lot lighter than 100kgs will.

First post: 40 kgs x 12 times (start)

These actions should start smoothly. Do not be too slow, but never too fast. The main purpose is to increase blood circulation and get used to the movements and weight. After this first exercise you should rest for 2 minutes.

Monday Exercise: 40 kgs x 10 times (start)

Same weight as last time. This should set the pace a bit faster. Do not be too fast. Rest about 2 minutes.

Tuesday Exercise: 60 kgs x 6 times (start)

This exercise should be done in a moderate degree. This is the next step to adjust to gravity. You will feel lighter weights. Rest about 2-3 minutes before the next episode.

Wednesday exercises: 80 kgs x 3 times (weight used to weight)

You should follow the same pace as in the previous exercise. Rest 2 minutes before the next episode.

Exercises Thursday: 95 kgs x 1 times (used to weight)

Yes, only set once. The goal is to become familiar with their weight. This is a deliberate exercise care before.

Exercises 6, 7, 8: 110kgs x (4 to 6 times) - (engine development)

The last exercise is to develop muscle. Very important. Only this exercise contributes to muscle growth. All exercises are performed just before the start and stop at the start but nothing more. The first exercise is to prepare for the exercises to develop muscles. Note that you have set instead of 100 kgs to 110 kgs. Max-OT boot allows you to set more severe for the exercise of an important development.

If you're not strong enough to push the weights on the volume can be adjusted to suit the appropriate body of yourselves

Eliminate and avoid unnecessary exercise:

Please specify the target file before you begin. Only three types of exercises: Lessons start, familiarize yourself with exercise and weight exercises to develop muscles. No exercises to practice both purposes simultaneously both. So you need to clearly define the purpose of each exercise you will practice.

Consider a typical training session your fitness. How much you have gathered all without clear intention. You know that the exercises are not under one of three exercises on the form will be rejected and instead exercises structured Max-OT.

Boot properly

An exercise that is not all exercises start or get acquainted with weights or weight exercises to develop muscles, the exercises would not do for muscle growth.

The fact that these exercises have no clear purpose is only to reduce the maximum development of muscle and cause muscle fatigue. Muscle fatigue is the greatest enemy of muscle growth.

Here are a few examples of unnecessary exercises that most other exercise program should have:

Suppose you have just finished training exercises Flat Bench Press. Now switch to Bench Press exercise. Most people will set back the movement to start with basic exercises Flat Bench Press. Why? Your chest muscles are available and then boot and can lift the heaviest weights as possible. Why do you have to back moves to start when you are training for the same muscle groups?

Think about your previous assignments and exercises are not necessary. Imagine this unnecessary exercise took much the opportunity to develop your muscles.

These exercises will start unnecessary apply to all groups participating in the exercises. No need to set restart for the same muscle groups in different exercises. This just muscle fatigue, exhaustion and ultimately will lose the ability to lift weights with your maximum weight.

1.Khong should exercise Pyramid style

One of the training methods are least effective exercises Pyramid style. Means that you start lifting weights and then gradually increase the weight in each exercise weight-so you keep increasing until exhaustion and then you lift the weight at maximum weight than the ability of you. After heavy exercise, you will lose weight weight down as well as you increase the weight to weight.

As mentioned, this could be a way to develop the "least effective." Simultaneously it is also a common practice today. So if the file this way, ask yourself why you see such files.

When you set such that for any muscle, your muscles not only lose weight but also the ability to set the weight is not necessary to achieve effective for muscle growth.

2.Dung exercises to exhaustion

This is a bad sign. Never, never exercises to exhaustion during exercise to boot. This will undermine all collective forces and killed the muscle growth.

3.Dung boot twice to a group of

Do not restart the engines for the same group just because you set a switch to other exercises. Example: No need to start exercises after exercises Leg Press Squats finish. Needless to start all barbell Curls Dumbbell Curls at the end. On the other hand, did not need to start with barbell Rows Cable Rows after all.

The important thing is never set in action, these exercises are not necessary for muscle growth. This is the reason for the boot up properly is important. In the exercise system, the Max-OT weight exercises done from 4-6 times and all the other exercises help the body just ready for serious exercise. Therefore, it is important that you fully understand the difference between the three types of exercises in structural exercises Max-OT.

Exercises familiar with weight weightlifting

How familiar is called exercise with weights weights? Exercises acquainted with weights is a weight exercise boot allows muscles, tendons, joints, ligaments get used to the weight weightlifting. In the exercise starts, the blood is pumped into the muscles, soft tissues supporting the work. This provides the flexibility and adaptable to the muscles. Exercises to become familiar with continued weight weightlifting weights weight for muscle, joint and soft to support the preparations for the heavy exercise at high intensity.

Exercise weights familiar with weight is important in limiting injury. These exercises facilitate muscle and soft tissue exposed to heavy exercise. Exercises and exercises start familiarize yourself with no weight weightlifting muscle growth, but the support for muscle growth by preparing the muscles and soft tissues supporting the heavy weight.

Since the exercise started and familiar exercise with weights do not contribute to the development of muscle, should be set in no way hinders the development of which only support the development of exercises. This is the need to become familiar with their weight.

Familiar with the exercises allow the body weight are prepared for the heavy exercise without strain the motor. Technical boot properly acquainted with the exercises weight will increase the ability to coordinate muscles and nerves, from which increase lift heavier weights.

By now, you could say that Max-OT is based on a specific strategy that different types of exercises are used to lead to heavy exercise final exercise is to develop the set of 4 - 6 times. But without proper launch techniques and exercises do not get used to the intensity weight training heavy weights and weight can not be applied in this exercise.

Can not be exaggerated the importance of the boot properly. It is important to avoid injuries and exercises focused on muscle development. Understanding this will help you better understand the scientific aspects of the Max-OT.

Remember, the Max-OT training, exercises to develop muscle exercises are exercises that are 4 - 6 times. The other exercises are just exercises in preparation. The previous exercise to promote flexibility, muscle strength at the highest level and reduce the risk of injury to a minimum. In this way the development of muscle exercises are set to maximum weight and maximum development both physically and mentally.

Combustion engine Pumps & Engineering is:

I like to refer to other errors in weight training and muscle development. You often hear people shouted with students in the gym something like: "Go on, try to, once again," making them feel like they're set with extreme effort. Do not make my mistake, there are exercises require the effort and the way it seems to help them practice. What I want to look at this as the factors being considered as a guideline for the development of muscle:

Combustion engine (Muscle Burn)

The feeling of being burned in a typical practice, it is seen as a sign of the success of muscle growth. Many people find burning sensation when training with heavy weights. It as a good sign for a training session.

Let me tell you, the feeling of being burned is not a sign of an effective training session. This burning sensation is the result of lactic acid soluble. Lactic acid is a by-product of glycogen metabolism. Lactic acid is not beneficial for muscle growth. In fact, this limits the development. So did the burning sensation is? Lactic acid occurred in each half set with a high number of repetitions. Not only exercise many times a movement with no effective step in the development of lactic acid but also create the body, which leads to muscle catabolism and the delayed recovery.

Muscle is pumped (Muscle Pump)

The feeling of being pumped that you feel when exercising as a result of the blood "trapped" in the last episode again. The engine was pumping the psychological support in training and exercises to help limit. And when the sloping than the feeling of pumping will be more frequent. Feel the pump is not bad, but it is not necessary to point out that the maximum impact has been in training muscles. When I'm doing, you will have the feeling that the pumped even when performing the exercises start. The more muscle - The more "stuck blood" - the greater the feeling of pumping.

Muscle Overload - The impact close to being exhausted

Muscles are driven close to being exhausted as you are heading towards the destination. The concept of Max-OT is the foundation for the combination of physiology, but it will stimulate muscle growth. Combustion engine does not stimulate the growth and pumped too, only the effects of near to being exhausted to the new development.

Muscle development is not a natural process, though you have grown. Muscle development during acclimated to the heavy weights. In order for the developer, you must be a reason for it to grow. Stood in terms of muscle exercise with weight training is the only way to stimulate muscle development. The larger the weight of demand for the higher. Body must adapt to fit the weights by the weight development in terms of size and strength.

Deeper insight into the training program Max-OT is completely focused on the development of muscular strength in each exercise. In fact, every time you try to set up weightlifting weight compared with the previous exercise. If not, then the muscles try to adapt and will not develop further.

Max-OT is always looking for ways to promote muscle development. Gradually increase the weight and intensity is required for muscle development. This direction to my last topic for the lesson this week is: Muscular be remembered.

Muscle memory (Muscle Memory)

A common mistake I commonly in practice and continued in the exercise program is another exercise causes fatigue.

Here exercises usually start with lighter weights, exercises many times until it does not lift anymore. This brings the opposite effect on muscle development and should not be part of this episode.

To understand why you should not practice exercises cause fatigue, you should ask yourself why you practice? I just heard answers like "to have burning sensation", "to stimulate the muscle fibers to each end," to finish homework, "or something like that. You can see the explanation above is nonsense, no excuse in it. It just goes against the development.

"Muscle memory is" is less a formal research but also enough to point out clearly: "muscle memory" plays a crucial role for the weight adaptation, the development magnitude and strength of muscles as a result of the maximum impact weight weightlifting. This suggests that muscle memory is special exercises.

"Your muscle seemed to have a memory effect that is created by a final time."

If you finish homework from 4 to 6 times heavier set. Your muscles will remember this and adapt. Impact of memory is very important and is a remarkable physical phenomenon. You take it in the development of maximum strength and muscle size and prevent the development process to prevent this.

The phenomenon of muscle memory is likely one reason, perhaps the most important reason: do not repeat weight with many in the last agreements.

When you start out with Max-OT, you will quickly notice the effects of muscle memory. Apply this knowledge to your advantage to file structure and physical exercises Max-OT, you'll notice the effect of "muscle memory" like.

The influence of muscle memory is a separate part of the Max-OT and is used to mount a physical training session with the next session. Techniques applied by Max-OT - from start to raped half ended - you can maximize physiological processes which will make the maximum development as a matter of course.


This week, I want you to start training in a way that we have mentioned above. Fitness exercises this week as in week 1.

I was just reviewing a few very important in the Max-OT training. Each element in Max-OT has to decide the nature and interdependence. Max-OT is a general exercise program. This is not a program and apply only partial theories to suit your current circumstances. This is a complete program both psychologically and physically in building muscle.

I want you to read this section to fully understanding the theory and technical training. This course is designed for you to have more time to grasp information and apply the techniques learned. I can not express all the importance of capturing information for later development of your muscles.
Q Do not forget Max-OT. I encourage you to submit questions, because when asked, then you will have some basic knowledge about Max-OT training.

How Fitness (Part 1)

Max OT - First Week


Muscle growth is what the hell?

File not always "capital." So practice how to get results?

Want to set up this program, please forget what you believe and you have to know about training you know!

Please return to old problems

Thinking and a little imagination to see how

So the basics of Max-OT is what?

Only 30-40 minutes of training, do not set too!

Exercise every day for 1-2 muscle groups, rather than set very wan ...

Collective agreements for each weighing from 6-9 base .. ke ke .. New results like this!

4-6 he he mean?


Say much then, Start a fitness program Max-OT only!

Access to the development of muscle!

Come to Max-OT training course. I make a schedule of 12 weeks, which will change your perspective on the development of muscle. My purpose is to guide technical training. You should grasp the techniques and apply them to achieve maximum development of muscle in a short period.

Max-OT will be effective with people

If you are not an innate talent, Max-OT will stimulate your muscles develop faster and stronger than any other training methods which

Whether you exercise to increase muscle or only 25 kg to 5 kg, the Max-OT is a collective will effectively help you accomplish this goal. Max-OT will meet your goals within a shortest period of time, even you are an athlete competing or a normal practice.

I not only equip you with training methods, but also answers to the theory that muscle development. I will analyze the obstacles in practice. We will remove bad habits and use of scientific knowledge in the exercise program.

You do not absolutely have to change their thinking. What I want to mention that you know how to use their time, money and energy to a useful way to get the desired results.

Training for results:

All that work is Max-OT workouts and get results, creating a growth engine in the shortest time period. When given the choice as you can lift heavy weights 10kg within 2 years or 2 months, I'm sure everyone will want to select is done in two months.
What is really valuable to get results. If you achieve good results, you will see more passion, and the results achieved are not as expected to reduce interest, you will be disappointed, reduced engine runs, reducing the intensity of exercise, that waste waste of time and want to leave everything.
If you can develop muscles in 30 minutes compared to 90 minutes. You choose? Let me tell you: I enjoy exercising, but only if I can get results that only takes 1 / 3 of time-I will choose 30 minutes and there is Max-OT program .
This program lasts 12 weeks. It's like a class at school, each week will be adding new sections to expand and technical knowledge in the Max-OT.
We will go into properly oriented training - right from the beginning. But to follow the progress of the training course, you have to understand that Max-OT will give you anything. How do muscles bigger, better, stronger, smarter in the shortest time.
What you learn will give you a whole new perspective on how to exercise and muscle development, so you'll enjoy more, eventually will give you results as expected.

Forget what you think and you already know about exercise

Max-OT is the difference, of course not a new exercise you have not previously set. You will workout earlier episode, but with other methods. You will approach the exercise with new thinking, with enthusiasm and most importantly reliable beliefs. Max-OT approach is new and unique.
Please return to old problems:
Think a few minutes and said the whole exercise period, the time you develop the most muscle? I guess the early stages you go into the exercise program. This is usually when a person can gain muscle 5kg in the first month. And 15 kg to 20 kg for muscle in the first year. Why is this so
Let's analyze this: When you started training yet, you definitely know how to practice how. You will be embarrassing for most exercises, you are only trying to improve how the weights as heavy as possible. Are you really motivated. Because you do not know how to exercise, so most of the exercises are done incorrectly. So why do you achieve impressive results in the first month? But, wait, think carefully about the following questions: Why are the results obtained will slow down when you began to have more experience in practice? Is it not contradictory? If they must grasp the technique gained a lot of progress right?
Learned a lot, but the results are less
This funny and sad. In the first time, you perform the basic exercises: are pushing weights, exercises legs ... you get the results dramatic, and people recognize this. You start to have an experienced and decided to scrutinize a little - this is the first error. You are holding the magazine to learn the training methods and how to shape the development of professional athletes use. Let me tell you: not a coincidence that at a time when you are older and more intelligent use of modern training methods as well as muscles become more difficult to develop and grow more slowly. It is time injuries occur more frequently.
No errors when you want to increase understanding about the practice. This is not a problem. The problem is where you crawl and you ignore the basic exercises to receive a complex and sophisticated. It stopped suddenly as the process of developing muscle.
Yes, that's the main reason that people do to stop the process of developing muscle. They make you astray with the basic training methods but effective, to start using the exercise program may seem "advanced" than.
Broad thinking and a little imagination:
I suggest you approach the Max-OT while the top has removed the false knowledge and a desire to learn. Most people training with weights (at this time or at different times) have the "I" own. Now is the time you leave it aside. When you understand the problem with the system, you will have a good basis for learning and training Max-OT program in accordance with the principles and techniques. I am sure that the muscles will grow strong and reach the maximum level you can not expect them to.
The fundamental problem of the Max-OT
Max-OT based on strict rules and have been proven, it decided to grow a maximum muscle. These rules are based on the physiological side effects.
You should remember one thing: muscle development only when it is forced to grow. Technical part of the Max-OT is designed to promote muscle growth in each collection. If your muscles do not grow larger after each collection is sure is that you are wasting time.

Can summarize the Max-OT following structure:
1. Exercise for 1-2 muscles in each session / day.
2. Tap 4-6 times in each half.
3. File weight from 6-9 to a group of union.
4. Rest 2-3 minutes between the half.
5. Each session lasts about 30-40 minutes.
6. File a muscle group after 5 to 7 days.
7. File about 8 - 10 weeks, you should stay a week.
Max-OT is specifically designed around the upper limit.

"To succeed and gain maximum benefit, you must do exactly as the rules above."
You can not abide by the rules you like and discard those principles do not like, because they depend and support each other.

Each session lasts about 30-40 minutes
If you file more than 40 minutes, then something's wrong. Actually just need to practice 30 minutes instead of 40 minutes. I know that the collective will of people in the gym. But you must be aware of the importance is how to end the training session in the specified time. If you file together with a few others will take more time, so adjust accordingly.
Sufficient time limit is a core element of the Max-OT. Max-OT emphasize one thing: "Muscle weighs a maximum level set in a minimum time"
Exercise 30 - 40 minutes will give the following benefits:
- Maintain good mental and physical in 30 minutes will be easier in 90 minutes. In fact, after 30 minutes of mental focus, the intensity and the concentration will decrease.
- Episode 30 - 40 minutes to maximize the exchange of hormones. Max-OT program will produce the hormone is based on the highest exercise intensity and duration.
- Episode 30 - 40 minutes will stimulate muscle growth-results from the exercise program intense. Exceed 40 minutes, but you pushed out of this stimulation.
- Exercise more than 40 minutes will increase your risk of falling into the state of overtraining and increased catabolism of harmful hormones, put you on the stage of active growth to reduce the muscle in the body.
- Now you can see that there are many benefits if you hold the exercises within 30-40 minutes. And a lot of damage if you set the time 40 minutes.
Max-OT is effective. You will see the word "effective" is used a lot later.
Exercise every day for 1-2 muscle groups
In Max-OT, muscle fibers must be stimulated and affected up to large amounts of heavy objects in a short time. To do this, it needs the adjustment factors involved so as to obtain results.
Exercise a muscle group during each training session a day is the decisive factor of the Max-OT, as this will stimulate the physical factors and psychological, from which you will receive the highest results from your exercise program . Every time you leave the gym, you should feel confident that what exercises will develop muscles.
The benefit of exercise for a certain parts of the body in a day that you can focus on lofty spirit and physically. When you heard that you only train one muscle group, you will create greater ability to focus with greater intensity. Psychological point of this will impact directly on the results you get. The key is you set a group of more active, more powerful impact on, do the maximum to be developed by focusing 100% intensity of physical and mental.
File weighing 6-9 for each group of union
Max-OT is defined only files from each group of 6-9 united. It is the collective agreement heavy.
· Agreement episode of Max-OT Heavy What?
One half of the Max-OT weight training is a collective agreement with a weight that allows you to make at least 4 times but not more than 6 times. This is basic and important of the Max-OT.
• A collective agreement of what is Max-OT?
A collective agreement of the Max-OT is a collective agreement made with weights "nearly to the extent of failure," from 4-6 times. In other words: A treaty is not considered boot half of the Max-OT training. Just boot to boot. So you do not count all the numbers start 6-9 for a group of collective agreements. This is important.
· "Almost to the extent of failure," What?
That homework you do to limit the use of active best. In other words, you do the exercises until you can not make a second pick up again. "Close enough to fail" will appear at times between the 4th and 6th episode. Max-OT does not apply "was set to force" when the body has reached the maximum tolerance level.
Contrary to what people think of "was set to force" will contribute to muscle growth, "was forced to file" will make the muscles fatigue, decreased energy reserves and also cause more harm. How many times have you seen in the gym, people help each other and shouted at him to lift weights twice more, as the mild form, he must stop them how to set it twice. Do not make "every collective force."
· Episode 4-6 times a half
This is the most important points of the Max-OT. You'll lift weights 4-6 times. There will be a number of exercises with more time but only in a minority. Range 4-6 times as important and crucial to success of the Max-OT. You'll know more in the training course. But now you remember that only 4-6 times.
4-6 What does it mean?
When I say you set from 4-6 times, which means you use weights you lift just enough to be at least 4 times, but we also must be severe enough so that you can not make more than 6 times. If you do not lift weights four times is too heavy for you and if you make more than six times the weight is too light.
"Episode 4-6 times a number is ideal for muscle growth, muscle fibers are allowed maximum impact."
A big advantage is that you focus energy on exercise 4-6 times a lot easier than all 10-12 times. Knowing that you will find short exercises and intensity to fully apply. The muscles will be maximum impact and be active with the full power of the engine. Max-OT is more than a way to grow muscle, Max-OT acts as a support for each technique, each element is formed to create quick results exponentially.
When you understand that, training with heavy weights is a key factor to promote muscle growth, you will always try to push the higher the weight each set. So you feel better, to more in less time.
Rest 2-3 minutes between each half set
Max-OT - as the name of it - is to train with the most intense, with maximum weights and weight reached the highest efficiency.
Lift weights 4-6 times the maximum levels of heavy and intense, especially with the main principles of the Max-OT, but the rest period between exercise sessions is important.
When you perform exercises with heavy weights, there are many biochemical reactions occur. When the affected muscle strain, the chemical reaction, oxygen and energy exchange will occur. Each collective agreement, when you perform the first movement, the body releases energy equivalent to power muscles of the weights. Until you make the 5th movement, you release all the energy inside the muscle cells.
That's Max-OT. It pushes the muscles to the final level to produce results. Recovery between the collective agreement allows you to repeat this cycle until a sufficient amount of impact necessary to stimulate the cells and force new muscle growth. Resuscitation set up between the union will maximize the ability of mechanical lifting heavy weights with the next largest union. Be aware, the word "maximum" is used here so many times.
Between the collective agreement, you should rest 2-3 minutes. Allow enough time to recover energy for muscles and pushed out the remaining chemicals from the previous times.
Each one has its own level of recovery. Some people recover faster than the other. As mentioned above, you should recover enough muscle to be able to lift heavy weights for maximum collective agreement later. Some people need time to recovery was 90 seconds, but the user up to 3 minutes, even longer.
It is important to be fully recovery before starting a new exercise sessions for the maximum possible impacts on muscles will directly influence the development of them.
There is an important break between the recovery period is Max-OT why not combine the "homework is too heavy," "exercise exhaustion" or other technical exercise to fatigue. We will go deeper into this issue later. Now, you keep getting one thing: Tired muscles do not build up, but the impact too close to the load will grow. Once the body was so tired it can not be more stronger impact.
Most people confuse weight muscle fatigue and the impact of near overload level, the false information printed in magazines make you think in two opposite directions. Things like feeling the muscle burn is not to build muscle.
File a muscle group after 5 to 7 days:
Now we will consider a recovery for both muscle groups. This is a very important issue and is one of the main factors of the development process easier. "Recovery." You've heard many times from this? Do you really understand the meaning and importance of which in developing muscles do not? Compact I can answer in one word: "It is all." Full recovery for the group after a period of Max-OT workout before the team was again an important impact equivalent to the overall results of the exercise program. The recovery is everything.
There are many things to help you quick recovery. Simple as the help of nutrients. We will explore this issue later, we now focus on the fundamental issue of time to complete recovery. Often the exercise program you begin to exercise muscle groups regularly. It's a hard habit to change. The muscular development is a process of training, try, you always want to rise and rise. This is a major motivation.
The growth of the body does not happen in the gym, but it takes place off stage to recovery - rest periods required during the time you are exercising the same muscle groups. As a result of the impact, the muscles must be ready to adapt to the impacts in the future.
"Time is the recovery time for muscle recovery, growth, or more stronger in preparation for strong impacts - adaptation."
If the body is not enough rest between sessions, the development will be reduced, will happen to overtraining, do not avoid the wreck. You will stagnate. Strong and healthy body will become weak, wear energy, reduce interest, does not inspire that motivation.
You already know, the rest between the sessions is almost a key to the good development as well as ensuring optimum health. Because factors that Max-OT but why must always appreciated the respite.
Full recovery for a group it is necessary to leave the full 5-6 days. Be rested, the body will grow up. The rest does not lead to complete muscle weakness and health.
As I emphasized earlier, most of the training methods are now catching you exercise too nhieu.Vi example: You set the group on Monday and you will have to set this back muscle groups on day 5 same week.
Max-OT focuses on factors such as strength, maximum impact and highest concentration in the recovery process to increase the ability to grow muscle.
Each element of the Max-OT will give the potential nature and complementary to the entire program. The amount of time to rest more, it is necessary for complete recovery of the body. The method of Max-OT training focused on issues for the resuscitation. The muscle fibers were rested, it will be possible to develop and enhance health. That's all the things that Max-OT to put out.
After 8-10 weeks, you should exercise a week off
Max-OT Training School is a tough, hard but very powerful and will bring results, it covers a general approach. Max-OT is not only part of each exercise which include psychological approach (spiritual), understanding of nutrition, aspects of time and technical exercises.
We must understand that the promotion of strong and healthy development do not occur randomly, following the maturation process will not want to develop further. You have to promote it. You must encourage and force it to adapt and grow. That is why the development or no development. You nurture the development process is more efficient, you'll get the results match.
As discussed above, the recovery time for muscle growth is very important. This time the main body to decide whether you have responded to the Max-OT training of how well. There are four important time to rest the following:
1. STR - Relax with a short amount of time between each half set (about 2-3 minutes)
2. ITR - break between each session (approximately 24 hours)
3. MSR - Time for a break in training for the same muscle groups (5-7 days)
4. CR - Break the cycle (after the episodes from 8-10 weeks)
A week off from training every 8 to 10 weeks is very important. Everyone has a psychological difficulties when they want the rest of my exercise program. People feel they have relented. But the fact that after the week break your back with a status of health.
One week break allows your body to be restored and developed. The body was actually recovered after 8-10 weeks of heavy training. Please provide adequate nutrition, your body this holiday will be placed in high growth. Muscle recovery and development was 24 hours daily.
In this one-week break, you are not sure as arerobic exercise or activities that consume more energy. Week break is also a key element of the Max-OT.
During holiday weeks, you should use the full amount of protein in the body. Despite a week break, but you still must eat and use of food supplements to meet the development process occurs. This fact is very important.

Impatient when people often start training. Fully understand the elements of the Max-OT will help you get the best results from this program.
You see that the development of not only based on the number of exercises and assignments. Max-OT link and the file number of the most effective exercise and combine it with the correct nutrition, rest, exercise intensity and level of mental focus. And when they are properly coordinated to promote the healthy development and to a program than any other coach. Max-OT program is composed of different elements but each element is dependent on each other.
This program is designed to provide complete information for you, not only is my guide. I want you to understand is why these factors exist in the Max-OT. After completing this course, you do not have to go into the gymnasiums and hope for the best. You'll know exactly why you have done this exercise and it will bring results like.
The next page is the usual routine of the Max-OT. This is a very effective exercise routine in the course, we will offer 25 different training programs of the Max-OT training as well as a full six months that will ensure the new development and the day set date not set. We will guide the technical details of the exercises to show you how to increase the maximum impact on the body.
Now we begin the first volume of Max-OT:

2: Episode feet
You have guessed we ask the 2nd set foot in the first two because people often set the chest, the legs are set free tools you do not have to wait.
First you must remember that the full launch, this movement is very important to avoid injury. Run the right way also affect the development. Next week I will mention the boot which can increase by 10 kg in weight. First day.
You just boot to boot, the boot that should not lead to fatigue. We'll go into more detail later. This is very important. The exercises below do not include all starts.


Number of collective agreements


It is rumored burden


4 - 6

Located Bike Prices


4 - 6

The burden is Bending at the waist




Cost burden tiptoed


6 - 8

Located 45 degrees step Rates


6 - 8

Note: The weight of the weights you use should be light enough so you can achieve four times, but heavy enough so that you can not make more than 6 times. Each time you have to achieve level body nearly unbearable.
Tuesday: Episode hands and abdomen
Now you will set for the first two (first hand muscles) and the first three (the upper arm back) in the same sessions with high intensity.
When the muscles you will lower your hands down with weights 2 times slower than when you lift weights up. In other words, the process will stretch over two times slower than the strain (put weight on). This also applies to the following hands: the process will stretch over two times slower than the strain.



Number of collective agreements


The book is rumored Straight - Straight Bar Curls


4 – 6

Each book was hungry hand - Alternating Dumbbell Curls


4 – 6

Cable Bench - Cable Curls



Cơ tam đầu

Cable Pull Down Exercise - Cable Push – downs



Shot on the sofa - Lying Tricep Extensions


4 – 6

Single Shot back - Dumbbell Kick – backs



Mechanical arm

The book is rumored in the wrist - Barbell Wrist Curls


6 – 8

Xie book application on your wrist - Dumbbell Wrist curls


6 – 8


Located On Foot Restraint- Leg Raise (with added weight to ankle)


12 – 15

Reviews for Belly On Cable- Cable Rope Crunches


8 – 10

Fold For The Straight On Chairs In The Belly - Crunches( weighted)


8 – 10

Note: The weight of the weights you use should be light enough so you can achieve four times, but heavy enough so that you can not make more than 6 times. Each time you have to achieve level body nearly unbearable.

Wednesday: Episode role
Note carefully coordinated move to the base. Coordination is that you can lift weights with the maximum weight. Muscles in the shoulder is a special group, which satisfy the exercise of the Max-OT.


Number of collective agreements


The book is rumored Straight - Straight Bar Curls


4 – 6

Each book was hungry hand - Alternating Dumbbell Curls


4 – 6

Cable Bench- Cable Curls




Cable Pull Down Exercise - Cable Push – downs



Shot on the sofa - Lying Tricep Extensions


4 – 6

Single Shot back - Dumbbell Kick – backs



Cơ cánh tay

The book is rumored in the wrist - Barbell Wrist Curls


6 – 8

Xie book application on your wrist - Dumbbell Wrist curls


6 – 8


Located On Foot Restraint- Leg Raise (with added weight to ankle)


12 – 15

Reviews for Belly On Cable -Cable Rope Crunches


8 – 10

Fold For The Straight On Chairs In The Belly - Crunches( weighted)


8 – 1

Note: The weight of the weights you use should be light enough so you can achieve four times, but heavy enough so that you can not make more than 6 times. Each time you have to achieve level body nearly unbearable.

5: File your back
There are many types of machine suitable for your back exercises and in accordance with the method of Max-OT training. But no one with access to the machines. Free weight training is best. I will keep the exercises to be used with common tools.



Number of collective agreements


After lifting the first sitting Military Barbell Press (in front)


4 – 6

Weightlifting exercises sitting pushed straight through the head unit upgrade Seated Dumbbell Press


4 – 6

Stand sideways lifting unit Standing Side lateral Dumbbell Raise


6 – 8

The shoulder muscles

Shrug exercises with weights blow - Barbell Shrugs


4 – 6

Ta lift straight up - Upright Rows (close grip)


4 – 6

Note: The weight of the weights you use should be light enough so you can achieve four times, but heavy enough so that you can not make more than 6 times. Each time you have to achieve level body nearly unbearable.
Friday: File Chest
Chest exercises are exercises of the Max-OT and familiar. You can combine several moves to move more efficiently, so long as it fits with the techniques of the Max-OT.


Number of collective agreements


Pull the cable to the number- Lat Pull-downs


4 – 6

Exercise Sit Pull Fish - Seated Cable Rows


4 – 6

pole - Good morning


4 – 6

File Fold Over Price - Hyper Extensions (Weighted)


4 – 6

Note: The weight of the weights you use should be light enough so you can achieve four times, but heavy enough so that you can not make more than 6 times. Each time you have to achieve level body nearly unbearable.

Now you have the basic understanding of Max-OT training. Sure you have the tools to start and go straight to the target. As I said above, this exercise is not new, but the application, operation, theory of Max-OT back in basic and charm.
In the weeks ahead, I will present more innovative approaches in developing muscles that people never thought of. I will give a list of effective actions for each muscle group and why so. I will analyze all you should avoid and why to avoid. At the same time I will make simple techniques that increase the weight of weightlifting, muscle groups stimulate new development. I'll explain what it means to be training with high intensity. And presentation techniques to ensure that each exercise is better than the previous exercise. The purpose of this course is for you to fully understand the nature of the Max-OT: to provide you with accurate information to accelerate your training results. I will analyze in detail the important elements of the Max-OT.
True power of this exercise program will come in the next 11 weeks
It is important to maintain this program in order, once a week and you will discover things you could not believe it.
For this week, you should read and study it a few times. I want you to understand fully before you come next week. Hard work and effort. File under these techniques and suggestions presented. You do this and you're on the reach of their dreams.

I wish you success if useful, please visit: New Century

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