
Tips hoc news: hide data in image files

Today the new century would send you a trick to hide the files that you do not want anyone biet.Cac you peace of mind when others suwjtof dabbling in computer comes with, or the type of ginseng hacker

This procedure helps your hands are not fool others easily. You can choose for themselves the files such as photos, movies ... used to "cover" for their data.

With this model scheme you will better understand:


For example, I have two files on, and rose.jpg secret.txt.rar on drive C:. To hide secret files secret.txt.rar you must mix it into the image file rose.jpg.

Do the following steps:

1. You open the command prompt (click Start> Run ...> cmd then click OK)


2. Next, type cd (change to where the file contains two)


3. You type the entire command line following manner:

copy / b rose.jpg + secret.txt.rar secret_rose.jpg


4. Press Enter, immediately creates a file called secret_rose.jpg.


When someone opens this file secret_rose.jpg rose.jpg out immediately opens you use to disguise.


To access data inside the compressed file secret.txt.rar old, you can simply rename the secret_rose.rar secret_rose.jpg, file away the "secret" will be open.

Source: finalstyle.com


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