Over the past couple of weeks I have been testing a lot with PPC advertising and it has been fun and very frustrating at the same time. For the most part it has been a lot of testing and creating of campaigns and new landing pages. One of the most important things to work on, while doing a PPC campaign is getting the users to click on the offer once you have them on your landing page. Since you are no longer allowed to send traffic right to an advertiser’s landing page, you need to create your own… or even your own mini-sites full of content, to get past Google’s Quality Score ranking. If you comply and make a great site and have an established domain, you will actually end up saving yourself a lot of money per click, as Google will see your site as providing some value, instead of just another arbitrage site.
So far I have been testing a few offers through NeverblueAds. I was focusing on one certain campaign for a while. The first test I ended up spending around $60, and made $30. (Net loss of $30)… I clearly needed to work on my click numbers as less than 20% of my traffic was clicking over to the landing page. I had setup a few more landing pages and was able to finally get around 80%+ of the traffic to click on the link, bringing them to the advertiser landing page. Unfortunately I was still losing money on this campaign, even with the high click rate. I made another landing page and worked on the PPC amounts and the campaign is now profitable.
I’m really excited now, because the same day this campaign went profitable, I had set up a couple other campaigns and one of them is producing earnings in the 75-100% area. Meaning if I spend $50 on PPC, the campaign makes $100. When you come across a gem campaign that really works, it’s crucial that you work on getting and testing on as much volume as possible. I was first focusing on Google, but now setting up some campaigns now on MSN and Yahoo.
As mentioned earlier, PPC is pretty much new to me and as I have heard from many… just keep testing! Since coming back from Affiliate Summit and talking to some of the PPC masters making big bucks, I have been dedicated to doing the same, and promised myself I would master this market. Last month I was able to earn in excess of $7,000 with NeverblueAds, just off my general network sites traffic. Now with the addition of PPC marketing, my target is at least $30,000 with them next month. If you are not already in the PPC market, signup to NeverBlueAds and start testing with their offers. They have some really great offers and amazing rates. I’ll keep you updated on my PPC success!
by zacjohnson.com
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